Roboquest Green Crystal: Location & How To Obtain It?

Are you struggling to obtain Roboquest Green Crystal which will help you to defeat the boss? There are a total of 6 power crystals in the game and you have to collect all of them. However many players are finding difficulty in getting the location of green crystal and obtaining it.

So here in this article, we will tell you how to obtain Roboquest green crystal and other power crystals that will help you fight the boss. We will also learn about other power crystals and their location.

According to me, three primary crystals will be needed to defeat the boss, and three secondary crystals will be hidden in the game and their more difficult to find. But we will try to give you their locations also.

Roboquest green crystal

What is Roboquest Green Crystal?

The Green Crystal is one of the 6 hidden crystals that will improve your gameplay experience in Roboquest. According to the quest, there are a total of 6 power crystals which are Purple Power Crystal Blue Power Crystal, Red Power Crystal, Green Power Crystal, Yellow Power Crystal, and Light Blue/ Teal power crystal.

The three primary power crystals, Blue Power Crystal, Purple Power Crystal, and Green Power Crystal will help you defeat the final boss in the fight. And once you defeat the final boss you will get access to the stadium and you can also purchase the upgrades at the Basecamps.

As many of you found blue and purple power crystals but they are having difficulty finding the green power crystal. The location of the Green Power Crystal is given in the next paragraph so you can easily find it. To know how to obtain Roboquest Green Crystal, you have to continue reading.


Where To Find Roboquest Green Crystal?

You will find Roboquest Green Crystal in the Aqua station stage. The aqueous station is located in the Canyon area in Roboquest. To collect the Roboquest green crystal you have to find it in this location. Once you get it you can use the green crystal to defeat the final boss. And can unlock the stadium where you can test your skills against your enemies.

Roboquest green crystal

How To Obtain Roboquest Green Crystal?

  • To obtain Roboquest Green Crystal you have to go to Aqua station stage.
  • Look for the secret spot which is on the end of the stage.
  • It is right before the Aqua Station in the Canyon if you travel through the Quarry.
  • After finding the secret spot you will see a portal that will direct you to the Roboquest Green Power Crystal.
  • By this you will obtain Roboquest Green Crystal and make it easy to fight with the final boss.

Roboquest green crystal


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