Artificial Somnambulism Reverse 1999 Tips & Tricks!

What’s this Artificial somnambulism Reverse 1999? There have been many mysterious features and mechanics in this rogue-like time travel strategy game. Now let’s find more on this new Artificial somnambulism Reverse 1999.

Artificial Somnambulism is a battle mode in Reverse 1999. This new Artificial somnambulism game mode has been tricky for some players now.

All timekeepers and arcanists have to be at their best in Reverse 1999 Artificial Somnambulism game mode as it can be highly complicated. It’s totally different from other game modes.

Artificial somnambulism reverse 1999

Artificial Somnambulism Reverse 1999 Tips & Tricks!

You have to go back to the dream state and further investigate about the storm and raindrops. All old memories will also pop up while doing the same too.

In your dream state, you can interact with new school students and also read some books. Talk to professors and then find out more secrets too.

There will also be numerous challenges in the Artificial somnambulism game mode of Reverse 1999. Play this in-game battle mode just like the others and also earn some exciting resources and rewards.

Artificial Somnambulism game mode in Reverse 1999 is not that tricky. But you have to be wary of all challenges in the new world. You will be facing many threat while in the sleep mode. So, make sure to avoid bad dreams.

About the Game

Artificial somnambulism reverse 1999

Reverse 1999 is a turn-based strategy RPG from the Bluepoch team. This is a unique 20th century time-travel based strategy game that’s taking place in a magical world. You can either play as a guest or use email, Gmail and Facebook to login and save your progress.

The story starts from the last day of 1999 as a new storm approached the world. The storm fell on the earth and world and the raindrops were heavy. You can now use the magical time traveling power and get assistance from the powerful arcanist called Sonetto. You have to discover areas that are affected by storms and rains. You must also find fellow companions or otherwise be called the arcanists.

A mysterious journey awaits everyone in the world and space. Discover more about the storm incidents of 1999 and save the world again in the modern millennium and this will be your new quest for this chapter.

The mages, wizards and freaks are all still alive somewhere. Find these arcanists again and predict the future storm. You can play along with friends, form a powerful team and use skills, magical spells and weapons to counter enemies.

A stunning turn-based tactical RPG with fantasy magical elements allows you to choose some insane arcane skills to slash enemies. Complete all new chapters and progress in the game too. You can deal mental damage to enemies and inflict disarm status effects.

Every unit gets a mass buff, mass attack and more stats while attacking. Mental damage is a unique type of damage in this new Reverse 1999 game too.

The penetration and attack rates should always be higher to tackle enemies. For a battle you have to choose two cards from the list and then wait for the enemy’st urn as well. You can also skip some stories while kickstarting your tutorials and directly go to the next stage.

Play as incantations and join forces with all other heroes to tackle enemies. This is an incredible gacha mobile game to play currently and you must own the best device with high storage to experience all fantastic visuals and top-notch content.

Reverse 1999 is a mind-blowing magical adventure and roleplaying game to play on both Android and iOS platforms. Even this game is also available for PC too.


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