Tower of Fantasy Grayspace Spine: Full Guide

Tower of Fantasy grayspace spines are required for farming more research materials. As everyone knows that grayspace from the Tower of Fantasy is an alternative vera desert region for travelers, now wanderers need to farm grayspace spine, and farm Afk Drops for research in Tower of Fantasy.

For farming the grayspace spines, travelers may locate to the level 2 north tower, third floor buildings of abyss and need to kill the enemies and grayspace entities to get the afk drops and spines for farming the research materials in the Vera region.

Also while you explore the confounding abyss grayspace, make sure to have zero space equipped for afk farm in Tower of Fantasy as it will get you easily over 30 grayspace spines for an hour. Here’s the complete guide to farm research materials, grayspace spines, Afk farming Drops on Tower of Fantasy 2.1 vera region.

Tower of Fantasy Grayspace Spine – All Details 

Tower of Fantasy Grayspace Spine

First you can go to the north tower spot for grayspace spines, defeat the enemies using the weapons, freeze and kill them, make sure you switch to zero afk farm too. The afk drops rarely here, but if you defeat all the grayspace enemies on the floors, you can get upto grayspace spines per hour.

Then go to the confounding abyss their floor, constructions and the other buildings too for more afk drops. Defeat the enemies and get more grayspace spines for farming all these new research materials. Zero equipped Afk is once again a mandatory here too.

Then teleport to the waypoint building for afk farming, defeat the enemies using the weapons, then finally collect the grayspace spines by using the orbs or beams at this afk farm region.

More on Grayspace Spine and AFK Farm in Tower Of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy Grayspace Spine 

Next is to enter the residential spot, and the other construction localities to find more grayspace spines. The north tower, buildings of confounding abyss have more grayspace spines to get if you defeat more enemies of Tower of Fantasy.

As long as you defeat more enemies, you will get more grayspace spines for an hour on an average in Tower of Fantasy. The confounding abyss buildings, third city region, north tower construction buildings have more grayspace spines for the players to farm the upcoming research materials in Tower of Fantasy 2.1

As of now you may enter these places, defeat the enemies and get more grayspace spines for farming. The afk drops for farming is also essential for the research materials of Tower of Fantasy. You must keep killing the grayspace kind of enemies to get more spines for farming the afk and other materials.

All these are the best ways to farm afk, grayspace spines at the confounding abyss map of Tower of Fantasy. Get the grayspace spines in more numbers for farming the research materials, kill more enemies and get more and more grayspace spines.


Tower of Fantasy grayspace spine article is done at our ga end. As all the complete guide to farm grayspace spines, grayspace spines locations on Tower of Fantasy, afk farm guide and locations for Tower of Fantasy have all been shared at our Gaming Acharya end now.

Gather more grayspace spines as it will be used to farm more materials in the upcoming vera quests of Tower of Fantasy. Explore through the Confounding Abyss for more and mkre grayspace spines here.

Follow gaming acharya on all our social media accounts to stay updated with our e-Sports news and updates. Keep watching this space for more Tower of Fantasy updates.

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