How To Defeat Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir: Step-by-step Guide! #1

Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir: Let’s embark on a journey in a Destiny 2 dreaming City as we dual deep into the realm of Pauurc The Farseer Heir. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding and defeating the secret boss in the Dreaming City.

From locating the harsh landscape of Rheasilvia to making use of the power of awakened relics. As every step of this journey is filled with excitement and challenges. So pack your bags and set on a mysterious journey with us and claim victory against the Destiny 2 pauurc the farseers heir.

Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir

Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir:-

Destiny 2 Pauurc the farseer heir is a secret Boss who encounters in Dreaming City. You can find and summon Pauurc in the Rheasilvia patrol zone by defeating a saboteur. You also have to collect a relic drop, empowering the relic and depositing it at the statue on a far island.

Once you are summoned, you have to defeat the Destiny 2 Pauurc shield by repeating the same process again and again with other saboteurs and relic. And after defeating the Pauurc you will get rewards with a Wish 5 Token.

Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir

How To Defeat Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir?

You can follow this detailed guide to defeat Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir. Here I give step by step-by-step process to defeat Destiny 2 Pauurc.

Step 1: Head to the Rheasilvia patrol zone in the Dreaming City. Where you will find Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir and start your journey.

Step 2: Located the saboteur, they are very tricky enemies as they disguise themselves as a taken captain or minoture. Keep an eye on the screen for a message that says ” A saboteur wanders the Dreaming City”. Once you get the message it means that you are near a Saboteur. You have to defeat it and when you succeed it will drop a relic.

Step 3: Pick the relic but keep in mind that it will slow you down. So to overcome this find a well of awakened energy. Rent towards the well and it will restore your speed while you hold the relic.

Step 4: Once you all held up then had to the statue on the far islands, which is located at the entrance of Harbinger’s Seclude. This is the place where you will summon Pauurc. To summon the Destiny 2 Pauurc please the relic on the pedestal beside the statue. When you place a relic, Pauurc will appear in the center of the patrol zone.

Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir

Step 5: Now you can fight Destiny 2 Pauurc, you have to break his shield full stop to do it you have to repeat the process with another saboteur. Defeat it grab the relic and empower it with a awaken energy. Throw it at the Destiny 2 Pauurc, as this will clip away his shield. Keep doing it until you break his shield.

Step 6: Once you shattered the shield then it’s time to finish him. Use your strongest weapon and ability and make a full-fledged attack. Once you defeat Destiny 2 Pauurc The Farseers Heir, you will complete the Quest.


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