In celebration of the seventh anniversary of the beloved game NMS Prayers of the Machine, Hello Games has gifted players the Echoes update, an expansion that promises to take space exploration to new heights. Echoes brings forth an intriguing narrative featuring a clandestine society of robotic aliens known as Machines, and it’s no surprise that players worldwide are itching to embark on this enigmatic journey. However, navigating this uncharted territory has left many space explorers perplexed, as the initiation process for the NMS Prayers of the Machine, aptly named.
“They Who Returned,” remains shrouded in mystery. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the intricacies of unlocking this captivating quest and shed light on the four key conditions you need to meet.To commence your journey with the NMS Prayers of the Machine in the Echoes update, you must first ensure that you’ve completed “The Purge,” which marks the culmination of the Artemis Path, the main campaign of No Man’s Sky. This questline provides the foundational lore and background necessary to fully appreciate the unfolding Machine storyline.
What is NMS Prayers of the Machine
Next, securing a planetary settlement is essential. This milestone unlocks the quest “A Trace of Metal,” where you’ll be tasked with creating a Sentinel Companion and enhancing your Minotaur mech. These actions not only augment your capabilities but also pave the way for interactions with the enigmatic Machines.
Now, here’s where the mystery deepens. The NMS Prayers of the Machine doesn’t follow a linear path or offer explicit guidance on how to initiate it. Instead, it relies on serendipity. Players must warp to a desolate system and wait for the stars to align in their favor. At random intervals, you’ll receive a cryptic message from a damaged AutoNMS Prayers of the Machine phage, communicating with you via a “hijack source.”
Once you’ve received the mysterious transmission, your task is to locate the Machine’s camp. This pivotal step concludes the initiation process for “They Who Returned” and sets you on the path to uncovering the secrets of the NMS Prayers of the Machine. This message serves as the catalyst for your journey into the heart of the Echoes narrative.
More about NMS Prayers of the Machine
For those who find themselves on the same planet as the NMS Prayers of the Machine but are struggling to pinpoint their exact location, there’s a lifeline in the form of the Echo Locator. This invaluable device can be obtained by defeating a Dissonance Resonator. When you’re on the same planet as the Machine, the Echo Locator will guide you unerringly to the hijack source, ensuring that you’re never truly lost in the vastness of the Echoes update.
It’s crucial to understand that the initiation of the No Man’s Sky Prayers of the Machine in the Echoes update is deliberately designed as a random event triggered by entering a desolate system. Consequently, players should be prepared to meet the four conditions outlined above to embark on this captivating journey, as the game provides no prior direction regarding how to begin this mysterious quest.
In conclusion, the Echoes update for No Man’s Sky has brought forth a narrative rich with intrigue, and unlocking the Prayers of the Machine, “They Who Returned,” is a thrilling and enigmatic experience. By following these steps and embracing element of unpredictability, you’ll be well on your way to unraveling the secrets of the Machines and making your mark in the ever-expanding universe of No Man’s Sky. Happy exploring, fellow travelers.