Sims FreePlay Facebook Login Error: In this game, Sims Free play, many players face a problem that is Facebook login errors. This is a problem for many players. They can’t be fixed this problem.
This is a big problem for them because they connected their sims free play game’s account with their Facebook account. Now they can’t log in to sims free play and can’t play.
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Fix Sims FreePlay Logging Error:
So if you want to fix this login problem in Sims Freeplay then you do it by following this instruction. It is so easy first go to your sims free play game then tap the three dots on the right side then click the key icon then tap on Facebook login then if you saw the error then come back and exit the game.
Then go to your Facebook account then you uninstall it then you again open your game sims free play and then again click on the right side three dots then tap the key icon then again click on Facebook login then scroll down fill up your Facebook ID mobile number or email and password give it and then you can log in your sims free play account. You can also install your Facebook app again.

How to Fix Sims freeplay Facebook login Error:
Here’s a step-by-step process to solve the Sims freeplay Facebook login Error. Many players commonly have this situation. First, check if your Facebook account is logged in to another account in the browser(chrome or safari) next check if your Facebook app is logged in to another account.
Then Make sure that your Facebook and browser(Chrome or Safari) have the same Facebook account. Then Log out if it’s a different account and log in to the same account. Login to your Facebook account in your app then Log in also your Facebook browser and then go to your sims free play game and login if it does not work then click help Center on your sims free play app.
Click login you are doing this on your sims freeplay app now log in to your Facebook account for the last time try logging in again then see your problem is solved.
How to Fix Sims Freeplay Facebook Login Error on Ios or Apple Devices:

For ios devices problems to login Sims free play so first you just go to the sims free play app and you want to download your data then you click log in and then saw the login error by showing a pop-up you can see it’s not letting sign in if it is also your problem then follow the step and you can solve this problem.
So first you have to do is go and click on your apple id and click on sign out then you enter your password and sign out. Then scroll down back to privacy and you allow apps to across the track then you open the app sims free play then you see a pop-up and then click it and allow it then you can go and sign in to your Facebook account as you needed.
So then you click login then continue and then you can download your data and then the app sims free play restart. So when you go and click on sign in Facebook you are still going to get up a pop up even though you sign in and enable tracking however you are just clicking allow tracking for sims free play then it opens and you click allow.
Now go back and see everything is working and that sims free play allowed to track and then you can go back and just sign in to your apple account.
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