In the world, there is a weekly war called Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium in which guilds compete for control over castles. This exciting event allows guilds to set up their own headquarters and get entry into exclusive dungeons and treasure chests. However players are excited to play this quest and win.
So here in this article we will see all about the Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium. And also about tye location and treasure of the event, so Let’s get into the details of this great battle.
Table of Contents
Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium I:-
In Ragnarok Origin WoE I, It had four realms, each with five castles, for a total of 20 castles up for conquest. Guilds must overcome the strong Emperium in the castle’s unique Emperium room in order to take a castle. To keep ownership of a castle after it has been conquered, the guild must defend it against other guilds for the rest of the Ragnarok Origin WoE era.
Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium I (Realm Locations and Castles):
1. Valkyrie Realm:
- Â Kriemhild
- Â Swanhild
- Â Fadhgrindh
- Â Skoegul
- Â Gondul
2. Baldr (Greenwood Lake):
- Â Bright Arbor
- Â Sacred Palace
- Â Holy Shadow
- Â Scarlet Palace
- Â Bamboo Grove Hill
3. Britoniah Realm:
- Â Repherion
- Â Eeyorbriggar
- Â Yesnelph
- Â Bergel
- Â Mersetzdeitz
4. Luina Realm:
- Â Neuschwanstein
- Â Hohenschwangau
- Â Nuremberg
- Â Wuerzburg
- Â Rothenburg
Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium II:-
Two new castle groups were added to War of Emperium 2: one near Juno and one near Rael. These castles have been created after Lighthalzen, Juno, and other sites in the Arunafeltz region.
Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium II points out defensive tactics over offensive tactics, and the battle mechanics change considerably from the prior version. The new maps do deal with warp portals and precasting, making the entire fort appear as a single section. Defenders have more options in this castle style to make defending easier.
Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium II ( Realm Locations and Castles):
1. Nidhoggr Realm:
- Â Himinn
- Â Andlangr
- Â Vidblainn
- Â Hljod
- Â Skidbladnir
2. Valfreyja Realm:
- Â Mardol
- Â Cyr
- Â Horn
- Â Gefn
- Â Badanis
Castle Treasure Drops In Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium:
When guilds take castles during War of Emperium in Ragnarok Origin, treasure boxes arrive at a set time each day. These boxes are in a unique room only accessible by the guild head through the castle NPC. Each original WoE realm includes a shared treasure chest, and each castle has its own. Dr. Jonesy in Prontera accepts the items in exchange for Witch Star Sands.
Guild Dungeons In Ragnarok Origin War of Emperium:-
In the game, winning a castle allows guilds access to special guild dungeons. Each realm has three dungeons that can be entered through NPCs in the castles.
- Guild Dungeon 1
- Guild Dungeon 2
- Hall of Abyss
Guild Dungeons 1 and 2 are PVM environments, when Hall of Abyss is a PVP environment where death results in experience loss. The dungeon is shared by all castles within a realm, allowing players from opposing guilds to meet. With the exception of Guild Dungeon 2 and Hall of Abyss, the castle owner has access to all three dungeons.
The War of Emperium in Ragnarok Origin is a thrilling weekly war in which guilds compete to acquire castles, create headquarters, and unlock unique dungeons and treasure boxes. The wars in Ragnarok Origin WoE I, Ragnarok Origin WoE II, and WoE:TE are difficult and require strategic preparation and coordination. Will your guild get to become the Knights of Honor and seize control of the castles given to them by the mythical Emperium stones?
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