Destiny 2 Personal Touch is a special ingredient that gives you a magical touch in each bite. It is a special ingredient that infuses each bite in the holiday spirit. The personal touch is used to Dawning cookies in Destiny 2.
Here in this article, we will see all about Destiny 2 Personal Touch including its function acquisition strategy for acquisition and current status. This article is going to be very informative for the players the beginners. So without any further delay let’s drive into the full detail of Destiny 2 Personal Touch and see how to get it.
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Destiny 2 Personal Touch Is Bugged Right Now?
Destiny 2 Personal Touch is a very special ingredient and here are some important things that you need to know about it.
Destiny 2 Personal Touch is Dawning ingredients that are used in various cookie recipes in Dawning Event. You can bake these cookies and give them as a gift to various characters in the game.
Personal Touch drops from many enemy kills with Melee attacks which means if you kill enemies you will get Destiny 2 Personal Touch. However, the Drop rate is bugged right now which makes it less reliable than usual.
You can also get the acquisition of Destiny 2 Personal Touch while completing specific bounties during the Dawning Event.
Current Status:
As for the current status, the Personal Touch drop rate is currently bugged but it is acknowledged by Bungie. And they said that they will fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can focus on the Dawning bounties which remain the most reliable way to earn some Personal Touch acquisitions.
How To Gather Destiny 2 Personal Touch?
If you want to get Personal Touch then you have to complete these bounties and after completing these you will have a chance to get Destiny 2 Personal Touch. Here are some strategies that will help you.
1. Melee Focused Builds:Â
Stirker Titan – Use Seismic Strike and Knockout for huge damage and health and equip Syntoceps for stronger punches.
Arcatriders – Choose the way of warriors and then use the combination below and Gambler Dodges which will help you to stay in the fight. Then try “Raichu Harness” for protection and more reach.
Sunbreakers – Go to the “Code Of Devastator” subclass. Then use Burning Maul for high damage many attacks and Hellfire Heart for exotic chest armor which accelerates ability cooldowns.
2. Weapons With Perks:
Pugilist – If you kill enemies with Melee you will get more Melee energy. So look for weapons such as IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3, Forbearance shotgun, or CALUS Mini-tool submachine gun.
Wellspring – Melee kills makes Wells which matches your subclass. If you pick them then they will give you many energy and other bonuses also. I suggest you use armor mods like Font of Might or Melee Wellmaker to make them even more better.
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