BGMI Independence Day Event: Celebrate Independence Day With Daily Event Rewards!

BGMI Independence Day : BGMI has created a unique in-game event to celebrate India’s Independence Day on August 15, 2023. The BGMI Independence Day Daily event offers you to earn a new special bundle every day. The bundles include in-game clothes and skins with Indian themes, designed to improve the immersive Battlegrounds experience.

The BGMI Independence Day event is from August 10 through August 20, 2023. Make sure to play and win your BGMI independence day event rewards. Here in this article we will discuss all about the BGMI independence day, all the challenges we have to complete to get daily rewards. And what we will get in it.

BGMI independence day

BGMI Independence Day Event Rewards:-

BGMI also offers a variety of additional rewards for players to celebrate Independence Day. Every day, a new special item of Indian-themed in-game outfit and skins is available. The items in the bundles change every day, you can receive BGMI Independence Day event rewards.

You can play in a new Dragon Ball Super-Themed Mode, where you can collect all seven Dragon Balls, summon Shenron, and make a power wish. You can get a new AR gun called the ACE 32, which gives players a new way to defeat enemy squads. Although you can also get daily BGMI independence day event rewards, which is listed below.

BGMI independence day

Rewards List:-

Here is a list of the specific rewards available in the BGMI Independence Day Daily Special Bundle:

  • Tiranga Set – For Day 1
  • Freedom Fighter Set – For Day 2
  • Jai Hind Set – For Day 3
  • Tricolor Set – For Day 4
  • Vijay Set – For Day 5
  • Swaraj Set – For Day 6
  • Independence Day Crate Coupon – For Day 7

Steps To Get The BGMI Independence Day Daily Special Bundle:-

Here’s how to get the BGMI Independence Day Daily Special Bundle, follow step by step:

  • Log in to your account by using the BGMI app.
  • Select the Events tab.
  • Find the Independence Day Daily Special Bundle event by scrolling down.
  • To get your daily bundle, click the Claim button.

The bundles will include a variety of in-game goods with Indian themes, such as outfits, skins, and emotes. The goods will change every day, so make sure to check in every day to claim your items.

BGMI independence day

More in BGMI independence Day:-

In addition to these awards and activities, the BGMI Independence Day event included a variety of tasks for players to perform in order to gain additional benefits. These challenges included the following:

Win 10 matches: Players who won 10 matches all over the event received the Independence Day Crate Coupon, which could be used to access the Independence Day Crate.

Deal 10000 damage: Players that dealt 10000 damage throughout the event received the Independence Day Helmet, which provides enhanced protection against headshots.

Survive for 200 minutes: Players who survive for 200 minutes throughout the event will earn the Independence Day Backpack, which has more storage space.

BGMI independence day


Overall BGMI Independence Day event gave a great chance for players to celebrate India’s Independence Day while also earning some amazing in-game gifts. Don’t worry if you missed the event! BGMI frequently hosts unique events, so keep an eye out for the next one.

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