How to Fix Dark and darker rubber banding latest 2023

Recently a South Korean studio IRONMANCE relese a game called “Dark and Darker Rubber Banding” it is a multiplayer fantacy extraction game .With the uplode game looks like smooth but within few time some people around the world find some rubberband issu the play stuck at one place and ccannot move  if it moved it come to his own place sometine.

Dark and darker rubber banding:-Fixeble??!!

Dark and Darker rubber banding: Why happen?

Dark and Darker is first person multiplayer hybrid game that player can play via there device. In this game there are battle royale and dark medieval fantasy setting .The game gets there elements from role playing system like Dungeons And Dragons etc . It is a multiplayer video game and it has been describe to the “extraction” subgenre of battle royales. There are few  different character that player can choose. The characters are fighter, barbarian, rague, ranger, wizard, cleric, and bard. The game is PvPvE that means the player can fight other player as well as the environment.

And by the fighting player can obtain various types of different materials and valuable items. The player must fight vigilantly and overcome potential threats from other player. For this multiplayer thing player sometine realise that the are stuck and the cannot move from one place to another.thats why they thought that game has problm or server may be crash. Player try to fix it by there own but it fix sometime and sometime not, this is called rubber banding.

Dark and Darker rubber banding:-fixeble?

It happen by the server so it fixed autometically because game is new realese so it lack of handle multiple user some server sometime not work properly.But the is prity much tested and it not good to happen with a new game it is not good for compay’s reputaion so tthey said that tey tried to fix the issu as soon as possible as meantime thy said to check wifi, region etc.Some people said that they face this issu when they go near to thee enemy  t,his is may be the problm with internet.

Dark and darker rubber banding:-Fixeble??!!

Dark and Darker rubber banding: How To Fix?

The player around the world find this problm they are suffering because of this.They said they are face the rubberband problm but mobs are not so they can easily kill them So it is major issue noe to fix the problm the game maker said they tried to fix the problm within the server but meantime they tell us to do few things  because the rubber ban happen prity much fixed game also  some time with connectivty issu also is the problm . the amker tell us to check the connectivity. In some region the game is still not published so that is another problm if player find rubberband as summerised in meantime we should do

  1. Reagion
  2. Internet setup
  3. Wifi setting
  4. Laptop compability

Dark and Darker rubber banding: Server Issue

The maker said that the game is new and they tried and tested a lot but still they are sorry for the issue face ny the player that is definetly not expected by them.They said sorry for the issue and they said to fix it as soon as possible , within the ne update or within the time ther server will be more strong and easily can handle more and more lode to their server and they tried to fix it as soon as possible so the player can enjoy more content that they provied.


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