Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players!

Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players: Hey guy, are you ready for a huge amount of XP because the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 Week 7 quests are here? As you all know, when every Fortnite Weekly Quest came, we had no shortage of XP. Because by completing the Challenges in this weekly quest in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, the game gives us the ability to level up our Battle Pass and XP.

Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players

However, I saw some new Challenges in Fortnite‘s Week 7 quest, which we will see further in this article. You all wonder how many challenges there are and how to complete them. So to let you know, there are a total of 7 or 8 challenges in the Frotnite Week 7 quest you have to complete, and some of the new ones have been added.

And one of the challenges is to Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players; this is the second challenge you have to complete. So here in this article, we will discuss all the Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players. How to complete Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs Fortnite Chaper 4 Season 3 Week 7 quest. So without any further delay, let’s start the article.

How To Complete Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players Challenge?

If you want to complete the Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs challenge then follow this steps carefully:

Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players

  • On the map, Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs.
  • Choose whether to battle at the Named Location or to leave to a safer location as soon as you land.
  • If you stay, aim to defeat other players in order to secure the Named Location.
  • If you move to a safer location, grab valuable items to prepare for the game ahead.
  • Prioritize safety by avoiding unnecessary fights as well as hiding if necessary.
  • Move slowly towards the middle of the game area while avoiding the Storm.
  • The goal is to be one of the last 20 players standing when the challenge is completed.

Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players

Full List Of Fortnite Week 7 Quest:-

Here are the full list of week 7 quest of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, And by completing each you will get 20,000 XP.

  1. Pop vehicle tires
  2. Land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players
  3. Deal damage to opponents with scoped weapons
  4. Search chests or ammo boxes at Brutal Bastion or Frenzy Fields
  5. Eliminate opponents with SMGs
  6. Spend Bars
  7. Solve a puzzle at a Ruin


Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 Week 7 offers a new series of challenges for players to earn XP and move through the Battle Pass. One of the challenges is to “land at Breakwater Bay or Steamy Springs and finish in the top 20 players.”

To win, players must decide whether to take part in combat immediately after landing at their selected spot or take a safer route by collecting resources and moving toward the game’s center. Survival and skilled gameplay can guarantee a place among the last 20 standing, completing the task and earning important XP.

With a wide range of tasks ranging from busting tire to solving puzzles. For players looking for improvement in the game, Week 7’s quest offers an interesting and rewarding experience.



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